Impromptu speaking: when you have to wing it
If you find yourself needing to speak NOW, here are some techniques to help you. 1. Scan the audience. Who are they? Why are they here?...
Speaking & Writing about writing & speaking | Author |Speaker | Teacher
Impromptu speaking: when you have to wing it
Speechwriting Step 1: Define your purpose
Speechwriting step 2: the rough draft
Speechwriting step 3: architecture
Speechwriting Step 4: write the words
Speechwriting step 5: Rehearse and re-edit
Step 6: You’re on!
Analogies, the wonder tool for making sense.
Nuke those nerves!
How to read aloud in public
Developing the speech
Resolving conflict
Presentations: lessons from a Dog and a Frisbee
Shape and Structure | Arrange your stuff
Three pillars of speaking success
Oral Presentations: Finish with oomph
How to write an ANZAC day speech
‘Know Thy (speaking) self’
Too Much Information