Memorable multi modals - Lighten up!
Multi Modal presentations can be a disiaster unless you have a good understanding of how the elements work together. A theory ...
Speaking & Writing about writing & speaking | Author |Speaker | Teacher
Memorable multi modals - Lighten up!
Look good and present well
Analogies, the wonder tool for making sense.
In praise of poetry
LISTEN. Seriously. Just. LISTEN.
Storytelling : ‘bore no more’.
Nuke those nerves!
Choose your gestures
Voice matters: How your voice works
How to read aloud in public
Developing the speech
Resolving conflict
Microphones: a beginner’s guide
Presentations: lessons from a Dog and a Frisbee
Shape and Structure | Arrange your stuff
Managing panel discussions.
Three pillars of speaking success
Getting mad in public
Oral Presentations: Finish with oomph
Teachers - your voice!